Friday, April 11, 2008

Coming Soon!

I'm working on a NEW book that will be very exciting. The working title is "Recession Proof Living". The purpose of the book is to flesh out some of the principles in IOU NO MORE to specifically address some of the issues confronting people during this current economic downturn. I'll be looking more at prioritizing spending, saving and giving than dealing with debt. But there will be at least one chapter about coping with debt during financially trying times. The sudden influx of requests for spending plans and budget questions has prompted this change of plans. I had recently started an inspirational book called, "Life Lessons from a Lead Dog". But I feel compelled to put that project on hold because of the current national economic circumstances.

At the risk of sounding like an infomercial, if you'd like to pre-order a copy of "Recession Proof Living: a quick start guide to surviving and thriving during financially difficult times" you can do so. The pre-publication price will be $10 and will include shipping.
But wait, there's more.... (I just had to say that!) If you pre order by April 30, I'll send you .pdf versions of our IOU NO MORE forms library. The library includes, the Quick Start Guide, Debt Assessment, Basic Spending Plan and the Cruise Control Plan. And that's not all! (ok, I'll cut the corny stuff). I'll also include a .pdf copy of my personal testimony, "Clay Pots and and Splattered Yolks". I believe it will bless you. Honestly, the forms and testimony would cost as much as the new book. But I'm serious about getting the message out and beginning a financial revolution in America (and the world).

To Pre-Order, send check or money order for $10 to: Recession Proof Living, c/o 2002 Haydenbrook Dr. nw, Acworth, GA 30101. Please include your return mailing address and your email address for the .pdf documents.